Wednesday, April 13, 2011

CRACK IS WACK-Glenn Beck: "I'd Support A Michele Bachmann/Allen West Ticket"

From The State Column: "Fox News host Glenn Beck said Monday he would consider voting for a 2012 Republican presidential ticket comprised of Minnesota congresswoman Michele Bachmann and Florida U.S. Rep. Allen West. 'I want to start a draft Allen West movement,' Mr. Beck said on his radio show Monday afternoon, adding that Ms. Bachmann should persuade the Florida Republican to enter the race. 'He’s not afraid to pull the trigger and he takes responsibility,' Mr. Beck said of Mr. West. 'That’s what I love about him the most.'"

More: "Mr. Beck’s suggestion comes as Ms. Bachmann spoke in Iowa Monday. The Minnesota Republican has expressed interest running for president. Speaking on CNN, Ms. Bachmann said her campaign continues to consider the possibility of entering the 2012 Republican presidential campaign. She added that she expects to announce a decision in the coming months."

Taken From: Booker Rising

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