Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Dr Cornel West and Rev. Al Sharpton Debate Obama and the "Black Agenda"

Dr. Cornel West and Rev. Al Sharpton met Sunday on MSNBC forum 'Stronger America: A Black Agenda. What started off as two members of the back intelligentsia  sharing their views on how the Obama Administration has fared thus far in relation to the "BLACK AGENDA" quickly turned into the battle of the " Natural vs Perm" with each taking blows at the others character.
I honestly believe that these two scholarly gentlemen could have handled this in another way besides turning the forum into a bad talk show. I am not saying that this debate shouldn’t have happened because I think that all leaders should be challenged to step up to the plate to handle issues that affect us the most, but having a shouting match of national television isn’t the way to go about it. 

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