Monday, July 11, 2011

Interfaith Relationships

Living in a BIG City has opened my eyes to a variety of different people.People from all over who neither look like me or share the same beliefs as I do but, they all are very interesting and genuinely good people .With that being said it has also opened my eyes to not only dating outside of my race but, possibly dating outside of my #Religion.
Going back to biblical scriptures (Sunday School Y'all) I find myself in  2 Corinthians 6:14 , where the scripture talks about being unequally yoked with unbelievers.Can this be applicable to a relationship with some one who you believe has the same Ambitious Aspirations, Moral and Social consciousness blended in with the love of  Eryhah Badu music ,Poetry and Incense....Sorry that last part may be ONLY applicable to me.  The only major difference is how we choose to worship. 
Over the last year I have met a variety of interesting women who are either Jewish, Muslim, Buddhist, Agnostic and Non-Practicing Christians, we have shared in many a deep conversation on politics, social issues, and yes RELIGION! Some conversations have left me perplexed but for the most part I have been thoroughly intrigued. One conversation  I had recently, was with an Agnostic woman who had a very feminist perspective on life. She relayed to me her views on marriage an engagement as a sign of ownership for a man and a engagement ring was the equivalent of a Dog urinating on a tree to mark his territory..Never the one to bite my tongue in those situations.. I called her analogy abhorred and that for a man to purchase an engagement ring means that she is not property if anything she is an investment...BUT, that's another post.Even though the conversation ruffled my feathers a little I had to admit it was very stimulating to say the least.
So,is it possible for a interfaith relationship to work, especially if you're a Missionary Baptist Boy from Alabama?  I not sure yet.......Cross that bridge when it happens, but honestly that should not be a DEAL BREAKER. Many interfaith relationships work because one or both of the partners just don't care all that much about religion. For me religion and spirituality is a very big part of my life my relationship with God fuels most of my decisions (I say most because those bad ones are ALL ME)..
Religion is, of course, a formidable force in both our public and our private lives. In the end, however, religious differences may not be all that different from the other differences every couple must navigate. Every relationship has its challenges. 

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