Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Virtuous Woman

Last night I was preparing to write a post on the roller-coaster of a week I had but, while attempting to write the aroma of tacos emanating from the kitchen kept distracting me and the urge to rant slowly subsided. I kinda wish I could tell you it was just the smell of fresh ground turkey meat browning on the stove along with Spanish Rice  but, it was the person preparing my favorite meal that was capturing my attention . This 5'6 caramel complected woman with the pseudo "Hallie Berry" haircut seemed to put my mind at ease for the remainder of the night. Of course I have had many women cook for me but this felt different. As I was sitting on the living room floor preparing my opening statements listening to my relaxation mix, filled with a variety of eclectic music, I could hear her singing the words to every song that was played as well as giving me feedback on the artist. As we discussed artist from Amel Larrieux to Badu I found myself thinking that this young lady is amazing. This brings me to topic of this post "Virtuous Woman"  quality's in a Woman I can not live without.  As I reflect  on this topic I can't help to but to refer to the Bible and read what it says about a virtuous woman in Proverbs 31 (Click Here to Read in its entirety)- "Who can find a virtuous woman? for her price is far above rubies" and right now I'm hoping I hit the Jackpot.

The qualities  I require after the jump

1) God Fearing- I am a very spiritual person and I want the person I marry to believe in a higher power preferably the "Holy Trinity".

2) Assertiveness- I want the woman I'm involved with to speak their mind but, also have tact. "Even when Justified you must to be Dignified".

3) Sense of Style- Not everyone's style is the same but I prefer to see a style that is more age appropriate and not garish. I once dated a 20 something girl with "Junk Nails" HATED IT! (Men on Film Voice)

4) Conversation- A woman that can hold her own in a conversation is a  wonderful thing. Not everyone can quote " Nietzsche" but I would like to casually debate or converse about current events or cultural norms.

5) Spontaneity  - life may be dull if you are in a routined relationship,  I want my partner to try new things. Be different, surprise yourself, if you want something fight for it. Don’t be shy, and never be afraid to talk to other people even you just want to get some information of where you are.

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