Thursday, July 21, 2011

The L.A.N.K. Theory

While watching the episode of "A Different World" where Ron finally goes out on a date with Kim and he keeps running into women that he pursued and YES conquered, the idea of how honest should you be with the person you're dating popped into my mind. A couple years ago my cousin was giving me lessons on the game and how a man should use the LANK theory when entering into a relationship.

The L.A.N.K. Theory stands for ( Let A N***A Know)  meaning be open and honest with the person that you are dating so that you can prevent future mishaps or hitches. Simply put LET A Nicca KNOW Changes LIVES. Being that my cousins was in several relationships before eventually finding his significant other I questioned his methodology. He stated that the LANK theory wasn't a fool proof method to a successful relationship because some people can not deal with the realness of it. The example he gave was when he was dating several females and he let them all know that he was involved with other women, some commend him on his honesty while others decided against continuing to pursue the relationship. In the episode Ron also reiterates to Kim that he is no angel which also made me think of how much of the LANK Theory should be applied hmmmm? I don't think laying every detail out there is tasteful or smart but an abridged version highlighting the key points should be enough to get the point across. The idea of the LANK should be something most men should use anyway because we're usually the ones being caught up for not relaying the proper intentions over to our partner. Le' SIGH.

True enough as I get older I tend to implement LANK more often and the lesson my cousin shared with me is rings true. If more people would use the LANK theory the world would be a better place, maybe that's an exaggeration but, there would be a lot more happy couples out here.


Sexy Single Sista... said...
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Sexy Single Sista... said...

This is a great post Jason! The "L.A.N.K. theory" is something that I feel is important to apply in my dating life. I like to be as honest as I can whether I'm seeing one person exclusively or just dating (not sleeping) around. It's proved to be effective for me...most men respect your honesty and you'll have nothing to answer to later on down the line.