Sunday, July 10, 2011

Sidney Poitier Effect!

As I grow older I reminisce back to a simpler time. A time where it was cool to speak correct English and wear a nice suit with a crisp button down and men had a certain sense of class and savoir- faire . The person that comes to mind that embodies all these characteristic is Sir Sidney Poitier.. He has always been a Icon of mine along with many other celebrities of the era such as Harry Belefonte and Sammy Davis Jr. These gentlemen oozed coolness they had what Razzor Ramon called "Machismo"  Coolness mixed in with political awareness. These attributes are  something so rare in today's time, of course they're artist like John Legend and Will I Am but no one has been able to match any of there predecessors. I can not imagine Waka Floka or Wayne being able advocate human rights issues while entertaining the masses. 

But i digress my original intent for this post was to highlight how much more my personal style has been transformed into what i believe is something cool. As i enter into my Quarter Life i see my style and vision maturing my political views are more than Obama my thinking is no longer unilateral and I own more slacks and loafers than sneakers and Jeans....#THUG LIFE...... lol. I contribute this change to  those who have came  before me displaying the quality's of a gentleman., Class, Culture, and Couth signs that you're maturing in the right direction.

Guess Who's Coming to Dinner!

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