Friday, July 22, 2011

Yes, I'm Talking Bout Bad Luck!

Hey guys remember my post at the beginning of the week where I was HAPPY and every thing was right with the World well, SCRATCH THAT ( Insert ominous clouds )  that feelings been turned upside down and it has left me with a bigger headache than Michele Bachmann's .Today has particularly been kinda, for lack of a better word, Crappy. To begin, catching the bus is already bad enough without having to trudge in 110 degree weather to the bus stop and through the METRO but, to go to a meeting that you have had scheduled for nearly a month and to have the person you're scheduled to meet with basically yank your chain is just "Fantastic" ( can you feel the sarcasm?).  After that ordeal I thought I would be able to relax by having an early dinner and a movie with a friend, last week it was a burgeoning love affair but today seemed more like a just friend lunch. I felt myself searching and pinning for the same type of connection as before but to no avail. Upon leaving  she bid farewell by embracing me with a church hug and a smile and I started my journey back home with this SAD Homeboy look on my face., (In My Tommy from Martin Voice) "DAMN DOG" . While sitting on the train I realized that i just sat in gum that some YOUNG URBAN YOUTH left before vacating the seat day which further confirmed that this day was not meant for me. But, even after all the events that transpired today all I could do was to think about another scripture Ecclesiastes 3:1--To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven. and  Ecclesiastes 3:11 He hath made every thing beautiful in his time. What it all boils down to is that This TO Shall Pass and that my "Winning Season" is coming.  But for now I am going to listen to Harold Melvin and the Blue Notes "Bad Luck" and prepare for my season.

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